My Nose Made Me Buy It
Posted by Ephet on 22nd May 2019
Has this happened to you? You set out for the mall with your list of holiday gifts. You walk into a store and you’re hit with the smell of cinnamon, you hear Christmas carols playing — and suddenly you purchase five cashmere sweaters, six scarves and the three-for-one sock special featuring reindeer that you had not intention of buying in the first place.
You are not to blame. It's your nose and brain.
The sense of smell is still less understood than the other senses, but studies show it plays a role in how we perceive our surroundings. For instance, the olfactory bulb that’s responsible for processing smells, is part of the brain’s limbic system, which is related to memories and emotions. That’s why smell has the power to trigger emotional memories (and why the scent of someone’s perfume can bring up memories of that person). And good memories may make you more likely to purchase items that remind you of those happy emotions.
When you are looking to give someone a gift, their experience should be one that is remembered whether personal or professional, creating that connection through the gift experience.
Create your memorable impression!